Providing Apprenticeships, Training and Recruitment Solutions since 1990

Information Advice and Guidance Service

Resources (NE) Ltd is committed to providing a high quality Information, Advice and Guidance Service. This statement provides details of our service and the standards of delivery

We aim to provide an independent information advice and guidance service to individuals wishing to consider accessing the training programmes offered by Resources (NE) Ltd and those already enrolled on a training programme with us.

Our high quality information, advice and guidance service is vital to the success of the organisation, it ensures we place our applicants on programmes suited to their needs and subsequently contributes to our retention and success rates.

The company will endeavour to help individuals make informed choices about training and development opportunities in the context of their working lives and career development.

We will also work in partnership with other providers and funding bodies that provide alternative options and choices a progression routes for clients that are not suitable to work with Resources (NE) Ltd.

Information generated will be recorded onto the learner's initial assessment which will be moitored throughout the learner's programme, which ensures that the learner is progressing through the qualification they are registered on.

Scope of Resources (NE) Ltd Information Advice and Guidance Service

The IAG Service will apply to our clients who consist of:

a: Employers who are recruiting or have staff undertaking a training course with Resources (NE) Ltd

b. Applicants who apply for and learners who participate, on our training programmes

Description of the Information Advice and Guidance Service

Resources (NE) Ltd provides all applicants and learners with free and impartial Information, Advice and Guidance in relation to training and their relevant work. Information Advice and Guidance is embedded within programmes and delivered over the following three stages.

  1. As part of the application process in order to assist applicants in making the right choices of suitable training programmes and referring applicants who do not currently meet eligibility and/or entry requirements.
  2. At the commencement of the programmes via comprehensive information at induction, and the use of intitial assessment to agree appropriate individual learning plans and during the period of training as part of Resources (NE) Ltd strategy to retain learners, on programmes, and to provide appropriate and on-going guidance that gives learners the best opportunity to complete the agreed qualifications/framework.
  3. On exit from programmes to support learners to progress into relevant employment, higher education, or to further advance their chosen career prospects.

Resources Provided by Resource (NE) Ltd

  • Information of opportunities and programmes in relation to the chosen occupation
  • Guidance on the right provision following an assessment of training needs
  • Pastoral support and guidance on-programmes to assist retention of learners
  • Information available from each of our partners on additional support available.
  • Informaton ond advice on career enhancement or other training options during anf on completing programmes.
  • Staff with the relevant knowledge andf experience.


  • IAG specialists are responsible for providing informationadvice and guidance to prospective applicants on recruitment to Resources (NE) Ltd Programmes.
  • Trainers and Tutors provide learners with on-programme support to retain learners and enable them to successfully complete their qualifications/programme frameworks.
  • Trainers and Tutors provide learners with guidance on exit from programmes in relation to emmployments opportunities and career advancement.
  • Managers have responsibility for line managing the front line IAG services.

Quality Assurance and Evaluation

The provision of IAG services is quality assured via the collection and analysis of participant feedback from both employers and applicants and analysis of key performance data in respect of learner retention achievement and progression.

Line Managers will be responsible for monitoring the front line delivery, icluding the observation of the IAG service, and identifying areas for continuous improvement.

The outcomes from feedback and from managers will be subject to discussion at training quality and management meetings. Self-assessment of the provision against Common Inspection Framework will also inform and drive improvements.

Signposting and Referrals

Signposting and referrals take place when it becomes clear that another provider or another agency can provide more appropriate help or support than we can. There is a distinction to be made between signposting and referral:

When a person is signposted to further help, they are given all the necessary details to make an approach. It is then their responsibility to follow this up.

When a personis referred, staff take on the responsibility for facilitating initial contacts between the person and the referral point.

Whether someone is 'signposted' or 'referred' will depend on various factors, including their confidence level and ease of access to the referral point.

Someone may be signposted or referred for:

  • Further or specialised information, advice and guidance
  • Other forms of learning or employment where the applicant is more interested in a sector where Resources (NE) Ltd does not offer relevant vocational training.
  • Other forms of learning when a learner's initial assessment for literacy, numeracy (maths and English) levels fall below the required level for the programme they are applying for
  • ESOL support
  • Crisis support

What clients can expect from us

  • A clear explanation of the Information, Advice and Guidance we offer
  • A service delivered to recognised national standards
  • Staff who will treat them with respect and dignity
  • A timely response to requests for information
  • Up to date information on education, training and career opportunities in a range of formats.
  • Information on the cost of training and any funding which may be available to support the costs
  • Receive an intial assessment [learners]
  • An individual interview to provide information, advice and guidance
  • Have regular progress reviews and be offered IAG and referral advice
  • Receive IAG information on progression and career development advice at the end of training
  • Agree an Individual Learning Plan that accounts for learners' specific needs
  • All information about them will be treated in line with the Data Protection Act

What we expect from clients

  • Treat staff with respect and courtesy
  • Be open and honest
  • Tell us in advance where possible of any adjustments we may need to make.
  • Let us know if you are unable to to attend a pre-booked appointment.

Get in touch

Resources South Tyneside

Unit 57 Aidan Court
Bede Industrial Estate
NE32 3EF

Tel: 0191 483 7002

What3words: ///pass.wisely.chop

Head Office

6b Southwick Industrial Estate

Tel: 0191 536 6867

What3words: ///loud.cube.cube

Resources Newcastle

6-7 St Nicholas Chambers
Amen Corner
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: 0191 296 0239 opt 1

What3words: ///them.reward.limes

Resources Washington

Suite 4.4 Pennine House
NE37 1LY

Tel: 0191 536 6867

What3words: ///kick.comet.leader

Training Enquiries

0191 548 3082


Tracy Rutherford: 0191 483 7002

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